MaMo Era: Puzzle Beater

2 min readJul 19, 2021


Puzzle is one of the most enjoyable games. Have you ever experienced the feeling of satisfaction when you complete a complicated puzzle? Have you completed a puzzle with your friends and family? Now you can try it out with your crypto-buddies! The MaMo Experiment is going to raise the excitement of this game to another level with NFTs.

Thanks to huge sales to a new crypto-audience, digital artists are seeing their lives change. Everyone on the Blockchain Circle is excited about NFTs, it has taken the digital art and collectables world by storm.

Let’s introduce you to the Third Stage of the MaMo Era: Puzzle Beater!

Big Surprise! Puzzle Beater is a NFT Gaming Mechanism.

This is how the game works: Users spend a number of MaMo to open a NFT jigsaw puzzle on a random basis that enables participation in puzzle games to obtain puzzle mining reward and Davi token. Each puzzle is segregated by different amounts of token mining according to the puzzle difficulty level.

The last jigsaw puzzle to be unlocked will be entitled with a big reward of MaMo as well as Davi token! The unlocked jigsaw puzzle will be having a buffering duration and the owner can trade freely amongst each other. When a single puzzle game is completed, there will be a 72 hours window to determine those who are holding the most NFT jigsaws in a single puzzle and thus be entitled the ownership of the NFT puzzle.

Do you think the PuzzleBeater is the end of the MaMo Era? No it won’t be!

Don’t want to miss out on the excitement? Stay tuned to our Official Website, Medium or other social media for the latest updates. Fight to be our PuzzleBeater!

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