MaMo NFT: Creativity at its peak with MaMo NFT & AI Tech

3 min readJul 13, 2021


Most things in the world are fungible in some way — any object, good, or currency that may be exchanged. Any five-dollar bill, for example, can be traded for another five-dollar bill, or a ten-dollar bill for two five-dollar bills. It’s a reality that any currency must have in order to function.

Non-fungible items, on the other hand, do not have an identical equal with which to trade them. So, while two books may appear to be the same and contain the exact content, if one was written by a notable historical figure, the two are not equivalent and cannot be swapped.

Similar to physical art, the original version of a digital asset definitely has a higher value than a copy, even if the copy is perfect. So, whenever someone has put the “original” art on a blockchain, nothing else is truly equivalent to it. You can’t consider two other indistinguishable pieces of art the same in case one is the original.

Of course, you can’t technically have the “original” of a digital work, and there’s no way to prove a specific file is that original. However, once a work is on a blockchain, it’s unique, much like an original piece of art. Since it’s unique, people often buy NFTs in the same way you might buy original artwork from your favorite artist.

Let us introduce you, MaMo NFT!

MaMo is derived from Mammon. Mammon, in the New Testament of the Bible, is commonly thought to mean money, material wealth, or any entity that promises wealth, and is associated with the greedy pursuit of gain. The Gospel of Matthew and the Gospel of Luke both quote Jesus using the word in a phrase often rendered in English as “You cannot serve both God and mammon.”

Over the ages, Mammon had been actively searching for an eureka moment, an epic revolutionary change that can create multi-significant changes to lifestyles, economics, and social well being.

And voila, the evolution of blockchain throughout these past few years has brought about the introduction of the MaMo Experiment where Mammon integrated NFT technology with encrypted art & AI technology. The MaMo Experiment is a revolutionary project that initiates new ways for people from all over the world to gain wealth & social well-being!

MaMo Experiment also developed proprietary AI-algorithms connecting every artist’s profile art into various components. The software randomly selects the components that will be used to generate a unique, 1/1 NFT made from up to different parts from each artist’s profile drawing. Sounds like a GIGANTIC puzzle? Well, as the cliche goes, “Even the hardest puzzles have a solution!”

There will be an “implementating steps” for MaMo Experiment which is known as the MaMo Era which contains 4 important stages. The 4 stages are Happy Go Lucky, Liquidity Provider Feast, PuzzleBeater and the MaMo Hub!

If you are wondering what the 4 stages are about, let us explain to you briefly!

The Happy Go Lucky stage is all about a reward mechanism. It is used to reward the last buyer from DEX at every end of the reward countdown. Hence, timing is important here in order to get the reward. The Liquidity Provider Feast is about users being able to add MaMo liquidity at DEX and stake their LP for reward sharing!

Curious to find out more about other stages or more details about the Happy Go Lucky and Liquidity Provider Feast? Remember to stay tuned at our Medium, Website and other Media Platforms in order to stay updated!







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