What is the MaMo Hub? What does it do?

2 min readJul 23, 2021


The Ecosystem of a Cryptocurrency is said to be the key to success of a Cryptocurrency. Ecosystem means a group of people that interact with each other to create a special environment.

Blockchains are like roads. Just as roads have different types, Blockchains have different types as well and are not limited to one specific type. Each Blockchain network is designed for a specific purpose and in addition to that includes independent elements that form a special ecosystem next to one another. When we say Blockchain ecosystem, we mean a group of elements that interact with each other and the world around them to create an environment with special features.

Same goes to MaMo Hub, it is one of the keys in the MaMo Ecosystem. Users who own any NFT jigsaw puzzle can trade freely in MaMo Hub. In short, it is an online marketplace for users to communicate and trade for what they want in order to compete to complete the puzzle.

After each trade, the ownership of any NFT jigsaw puzzle will be transferred along with the trading of NFT. This includes the keywords, Davi Token, as well as the mining power.

Furthermore, users are also allowed to move their NFT to trade on other platforms, however this will be done at the cost of MaMo. A total of 10% of MaMo will be burned for every trade of NFT.

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Medium: https://mamonft.medium.com/



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